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会议预告:广东省CVPR 2023论文分享学术报告会













直播平台CSIG视频号、蔻享学术 (网址稍后公布,请留意后续通知)


国际计算机视觉与模式识别会议(IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,CVPR)是IEEE一年一度的学术性权威会议,是世界顶级计算机视觉会议之一。CVPR会议的主要内容涵盖计算机视觉、模式识别、图像处理、人工智能等各方面前沿理论与技术。在中国计算机学会推荐国际学术会议名单中,CVPR为人工智能领域的A类会议。在Google学术指标(Google Scholar Metrics)榜单中, CVPR排名全球学术出版物第4(仅次于Nature、Science、The New England Journal of Medicine),在计算机科学及工程学科、以及计算机视觉及模式识别子类别出版物中,CVPR排名第一。

为了给本领域研究者、技术开发人员和研究生介绍计算机视觉部分前沿理论方法和最新进展,我们邀请了20位广东省在此领域部分优秀团队的青年学子,介绍他们今年被CVPR 2023录用论文的研究成果。

广东省CVPR 2023论文分享学术报告会定于2023年5月6日(星期六)在线举办。相关信息如下:





报告1. Towards Robust Tampered Text Detection in Document Image: New dataset and New Solution


摘要:Recently, tampered text detection in document image has attracted increasingly attention due to its essential role on information security.  However, detecting visually consistent tampered text in photographed document images is still a main challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel framework to capture more fine-grained clues in complex scenarios for tampered text detection, termed as Document Tampering Detector (DTD), which consists of a Frequency Perception Head (FPH) to compensate the deficiencies caused by the inconspicuous visual features, and a Multi-view Iterative Decoder (MID) for fully utilizing the information of features in different scales. In addition, we design a new training paradigm, termed as Curriculum Learning for Tampering Detection (CLTD), which can address the confusion during the training procedure and thus to improve the robustness for image compression and the ability to generalize. To further facilitate the tampered text detection in document images, we construct a large-scale document image dataset, termed as DocTamper, which contains 170,000 document images of various types. Experiments demonstrate that our proposed DTD outperforms previous state-of-the-art by 9.2%, 26.3% and 12.3% in terms of F-measure on the DocTamper testing set, and the cross-domain testing sets of DocTamper-FCD and DocTamper-SCD, respectively. Codes and dataset will be available at https://github.com/qcf-568/DocTamper.


报告2. StyleGene: Crossover and Mutation of Region-level Facial Genes for Kinship Face Synthesis


摘要:High-fidelity kinship face synthesis has many potential applications, such as kinship verification, missing child identification, and social media analysis. However, it is challenging to synthesize high-quality descendant faces with genetic relations due to the lack of large-scale, high-quality annotated kinship data. This paper proposes RFG (Region-level Facial Gene) extraction framework to address this issue. We propose to use IGE (Image-based Gene Encoder), LGE (Latent-based Gene Encoder) and Gene Decoder to learn the RFGs of a given face image, and the relationships between RFGs and the latent space of StyleGAN2. As cycle-like losses are designed to measure the $mathcal{L}_2$ distances between the output of Gene Decoder and image encoder, and that between the output of LGE and IGE, only face images are required to train our framework, i.e. no paired kinship face data is required. Based upon the proposed RFGs, a crossover and mutation module is further designed to inherit the facial parts of parents. A Gene Pool has also been used to introduce the variations into the mutation of RFGs. The diversity of the faces of descendants can thus be significantly increased. Qualitative, quantitative, and subjective experiments on FIW, TSKinFace, and FF-Databases clearly show that the quality and diversity of kinship faces generated by our approach are much better than the existing state-of-the-art methods.


报告3. Generating Anomalies for Video Anomaly Detection with Prompt-based Feature Mapping


摘要:Anomaly detection in surveillance videos is a challenging computer vision task where only normal videos are available during training. Recent work released the first virtual anomaly detection dataset to assist real-world detection. However, an anomaly gap exists because the anomalies are bounded in the virtual dataset but unbounded in the real world, so it reduces the generalization ability of the virtual dataset. There also exists a scene gap between virtual and real scenarios, including scene-specific anomalies (events that are abnormal in one scene but normal in another) and scene-specific attributes, such as the viewpoint of the surveillance camera. In this paper, we aim to solve the problem of the anomaly gap and scene gap by proposing a prompt-based feature mapping framework (PFMF). The PFMF contains a mapping network guided by an anomaly prompt to generate unseen anomalies with unbounded types in the real scenario, and a mapping adaptation branch to narrow the scene gap by applying domain classifier and anomaly classifier. The proposed framework outperforms the state-of-the-art on three benchmark datasets. Extensive ablation experiments also show the effectiveness of our framework design.


报告4. Perception and Semantic Aware Regularization for Sequential Confidence Calibration


摘要:Deep sequence recognition (DSR) models receive increasing attention due to their superior application to various applications. Most DSR models use merely the target sequences as supervision without considering other related sequences, leading to over-confidence in their predictions. The DSR models trained with label smoothing regularize labels by equally and independently smoothing each token, reallocating a small value to other tokens for mitigating overconfidence. However, they do not consider tokens/sequences correlations that may provide more effective information to regularize training and thus lead to sub-optimal performance. In this work, we find tokens/sequences with high perception and semantic correlations with the target ones contain more correlated and effective information and thus facilitate more effective regularization. To this end, we propose a Perception and Semantic aware Sequence Regularization framework, which explore perceptively and semantically correlated tokens/sequences as regularization. Specifically, we introduce a semantic context-free recognition and a language model to acquire similar sequences with high perceptive similarities and semantic correlation, respectively. Moreover, over-confidence degree varies across samples according to their difficulties. Thus, we further design an adaptive calibration intensity module to compute a difficulty score for each samples to obtain finer-grained regularization. Extensive experiments on canonical sequence recognition tasks, including scene text and speech recognition, demonstrate that our method sets novel state-of-the-art results.


报告5. MM-3DScene: 3D Scene Understanding by Customizing Masked Modeling with Informative-Preserved Completion and Self-Distilled Consistency.


摘要:Masked Modeling (MM) has demonstrated widespread success in various vision challenges, by reconstructing masked visual patches. Yet, applying MM for large-scale 3D scenes remains an open problem due to the data sparsity and scene complexity. The conventional random masking paradigm used in 2D images often causes a high risk of ambiguity when recovering the masked region of 3D scenes. To this end,  we propose a novel informative-preserved reconstruction, which explores local statistics to discover and preserve the representative structured points, effectively enhancing the pretext masking task for 3D scene understanding.  Integrated with a progressive reconstruction manner, our method can concentrate on modeling regional geometry and enjoy less ambiguity for masked reconstruction. Besides,  such scenes with progressive masking ratios can also serve to self-distill their intrinsic spatial consistency, requiring to learn the consistent representations from unmasked areas. By elegantly combining informative-preserved reconstruction on masked areas and consistency self-distillation from unmasked areas, a unified framework called MM-3DScene is yielded. We conduct comprehensive experiments on a host of downstream tasks. The consistent improvement (eg, +6.1% mAP@0.5 on object detection and +2.2% mIoU on semantic segmentation) demonstrates the superiority of our approach.


报告6. GP-VTON: Towards General Purpose Virtual Try-on via Collaborative Local-Flow Global-Parsing Learning


摘要:Image-based Virtual Try-ON aims to transfer an in-shop garment onto a specific person. Existing methods employ a global warping module to model the anisotropic deformation for different garment parts, which fails to preserve the semantic information of different parts when receiving challenging inputs (e.g, intricate human poses, difficult garments). Moreover, most of them directly warp the input garment to align with the boundary of the preserved region, which usually requires texture squeezing to meet the boundary shape constraint and thus leads to texture distortion. The above inferior performance hinders existing methods from real-world applications. To address these problems and take a step towards real-world virtual try-on, we propose a General-Purpose Virtual Try-ON framework, named GP-VTON, by developing an innovative Local-Flow Global-Parsing (LFGP) warping module and a Dynamic Gradient Truncation (DGT) training strategy. Specifically, compared with the previous global warping mechanism, LFGP employs local flows to warp garments parts individually, and assembles the local warped results via the global garment parsing, resulting in reasonable warped parts and a semantic-correct intact garment even with challenging inputs.On the other hand, our DGT training strategy dynamically truncates the gradient in the overlap area and the warped garment is no more required to meet the boundary constraint, which effectively avoids the texture squeezing problem. Furthermore, our GP-VTON can be easily extended to multi-category scenario and jointly trained by using data from different garment categories. Extensive experiments on two high-resolution benchmarks demonstrate our superiority over the existing state-of-the-art methods.


报告7. The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend: Exploring Inverse Adversaries for Improving Adversarial Training


摘要:Although current deep learning techniques have yielded superior performance on various computer vision tasks, yet they are still vulnerable to adversarial examples. Adversarial training and its variants have been shown to be the most effective approaches to defend against adversarial examples. A particular class of these methods regularize the difference between output probabilities for an adversarial and its corresponding natural example. However, it may have a negative impact if a natural example is misclassified. To circumvent this issue, we propose a novel adversarial training scheme that encourages the model to produce similar output probabilities for an adversarial example and its inverse adversarialcounterpart. Particularly, the counterpart is generated by maximizing the likelihood in the neighborhood of the natural example. Extensive experiments on various vision datasets and architectures demonstrate that our training method achieves state-of-the-art robustness as well as natural accuracy among robust models. Furthermore, using a universal version of inverse adversarial examples, we improve the performance of single-step adversarial training techniques at a low computational cost.


报告8. A New Benchmark: On the Utility of Synthetic Data with Blender for Bare Supervised Learning and Downstream Domain Adaptation

报告人:Hui Tang/唐慧

摘要:Deep learning in computer vision has achieved great success with the price of large-scale labeled training data. However, exhaustive data annotation is impracticable for each task of all domains of interest, due to high labor costs and unguaranteed labeling accuracy. Besides, the uncontrollable data collection process produces non-IID training and test data, where undesired duplication may exist. All these nuisances may hinder the verification of typical theories and exposure to new findings. To circumvent them, an alternative is to generate synthetic data via 3D rendering with domain randomization. We in this work push forward along this line by doing profound and extensive research on bare supervised learning and downstream domain adaptation. Specifically, under the well-controlled, IID data setting enabled by 3D rendering, we systematically verify the typical, important learning insights, e.g., shortcut learning, and discover the new laws of various data regimes and network architectures in generalization. We further investigate the effect of image formation factors on generalization, e.g., object scale, material texture, illumination, camera viewpoint, and background in a 3D scene. Moreover, we use the simulation-to-reality adaptation as a downstream task for comparing the transferability between synthetic and real data when used for pre-training, which demonstrates that synthetic data pre-training is also promising to improve real test results. Lastly, to promote future research, we develop a new large-scale synthetic-to-real benchmark for image classification, termed S2RDA, which provides more significant challenges for transfer from simulation to reality. The code and datasets are available at https://github.com/huitangtang/On_the_Utility_of_Synthetic_Data.


报告9. Disentangling Writer and Character Styles for Handwriting Generation


摘要:Training machines to synthesize diverse handwritings is an intriguing task. Recently, RNN-based methods have been proposed to generate stylized online Chinese characters. However, these methods mainly focus on capturing a person's overall writing style, neglecting subtle style inconsistencies between characters written by the same person. For example, while a person's handwriting typically exhibits general uniformity (e.g., glyph slant and aspect ratios), there are still small style variations in finer details (e.g., stroke length and curvature) of characters. In light of this, we propose to disentangle the style representations at both writer and character levels from individual handwritings to synthesize realistic stylized online handwritten characters. Specifically, we present the style-disentangled Transformer (SDT), which employs two complementary contrastive objectives to extract the style commonalities of reference samples and capture the detailed style patterns of each sample, respectively. Extensive experiments on various language scripts demonstrate the effectiveness of SDT. Notably, our empirical findings reveal that the two learned style representations provide information at different frequency magnitudes, underscoring the importance of separate style extraction.


报告10. Semi-DETR: Semi-Supervised Object Detection with Transformers


摘要:We analyze the DETR-based framework on semi-supervised object detection (SSOD) and observe that (1) the one-to-one assignment strategy generates incorrect matching when the pseudo ground-truth bounding box is inaccurate, leading to training inefficiency; (2) DETR-based detectors lack deterministic correspondence between the input query and its prediction output, which hinders the applicability of the consistency-based regularization widely used in current SSOD methods. We present Semi-DETR, the first transformer-based end-to-end semi-supervised object detector, to tackle these problems. Specifically, we propose a Stage-wise Hybrid Matching strategy that combines the one-to-many assignment and one-to-one assignment strategies to improve the training efficiency of the first stage and thus provide high-quality pseudo labels for the training of the second stage. Besides, we introduce a Cross-view Query Consistency method to learn the semantic feature invariance of object queries from different views while avoiding the need to find deterministic query correspondence. Furthermore, we propose a Cost-based Pseudo Label Mining module to dynamically mine more pseudo boxes based on the matching cost of pseudo ground truth bounding boxes for consistency training. Extensive experiments on all SSOD settings of both COCO and Pascal VOC benchmark datasets show that our Semi-DETR method outperforms all state-of-the-art methods by clear margins.


报告11. Similarity Metric Learning For RGB-Infrared Group Re-Identification


摘要:Group re-identification (G-ReID) aims to re-identify a group of people that is observed from non-overlapping camera systems. The existing literature has mainly addressed RGB-based problems, but RGB-infrared (RGB-IR) cross-modality matching problem has not been studied yet. In this paper, we propose a metric learning method Closest Permutation Matching (CPM) for RGB-IR G-ReID. We model each group as a set of single-person features which are extracted by MPANet, then we propose the metric Closest Permutation Distance (CPD) to measure the similarity between two sets of features. CPD is invariant with order changes of group members so that it solves the layout change problem in G-ReID. Furthermore, we introduce the problem of G-ReID without person labels. In the weak-supervised case, we design the Relation-aware Module (RAM) that exploits visual context and relations among group members to produce a modality-invariant order of features in each group, with which group member features within a set can be sorted to form a robust group representation against modality change. To support the study on RGB-IR G-ReID, we construct a new large-scale RGB-IR G-ReID dataset CM-Group. The dataset contains 15,440 RGB images and 15,506 infrared images of 427 groups and 1,013 identities. Extensive experiments on the new dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed models and the complexity of CM-Group. The code and dataset are available at: https://github.com/WhollyOat/CM-Group.


报告12. Seeing What You Miss: Vision-Language Pre-training with Semantic Completion Learning


摘要:Cross-modal alignment is essential for vision-language pre-training (VLP) models to learn the correct corresponding information across different modalities. For this purpose, inspired by the success of masked language modeling (MLM) tasks in the NLP pre-training area, numerous masked modeling tasks have been proposed for VLP to further promote cross-modal interactions. The core idea of previous masked modeling tasks is to focus on reconstructing the masked tokens based on visible context for learning local-to-local alignment. However, most of them pay little attention to the global semantic features generated for the masked data, resulting in the limited cross-modal alignment ability of global representations. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel Semantic Completion Learning (SCL) task, complementary to existing masked modeling tasks, to facilitate global-to-local alignment. Specifically, the SCL task complements the missing semantics of masked data by capturing the corresponding information from the other modality, promoting learning more representative global features which have a great impact on the performance of downstream tasks. Moreover, we present a flexible vision encoder, which enables our model to perform image-text and video-text multimodal tasks simultaneously. Experimental results show that our proposed method obtains state-of-the-art performance on various vision-language benchmarks, such as visual question answering, image-text retrieval, and video-text retrieval.


报告13. Visual Exemplar Driven Task-Prompting for Unified Perception in Autonomous Driving


摘要:Multi-task learning has emerged as a powerful paradigm to solve a range of tasks simultaneously with good efficiency in both computation resources and inference time. However, these algorithms are designed for different tasks mostly not within the scope of autonomous driving, thus making it hard to compare multi-task methods in autonomous driving. Aiming to enable the comprehensive evaluation of present multi-task learning methods in autonomous driving, we extensively investigate the performance of popular multi-task methods on the large-scale driving dataset, which covers four common perception tasks, i.e., object detection, semantic segmentation, drivable area segmentation, and lane detection. We provide an in-depth analysis of current multi-task learning methods under different common settings and find out that the existing methods make progress but there is still a large performance gap compared with single-task baselines. To alleviate this dilemma in autonomous driving, we present an effective multi-task framework, VE-Prompt, which introduces visual exemplars via task-specific prompting to guide the model toward learning high-quality task-specific representations. Specifically, we generate visual exemplars based on bounding boxes and color-based markers, which provide accurate visual appearances of target categories and further mitigate the performance gap. Furthermore, we bridge transformer-based encoders and convolutional layers for efficient and accurate unified perception in autonomous driving. Comprehensive experimental results on the diverse self-driving dataset BDD100K show that the VE-Prompt improves the multi-task baseline and further surpasses single-task models.


报告14. CIGAR: Cross-Modality Graph Reasoning for Domain Adaptive Object Detection


摘要:Unsupervised domain adaptive object detection (UDA-OD) aims to learn a detector by generalizing knowledge from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. Though the existing graph-based methods for UDA-OD perform well in some cases, they cannot learn a proper node set for the graph. In addition, these methods build the graph solely based on the visual features and do not consider the linguistic knowledge carried by the semantic prototypes, e.g., dataset labels. To overcome these problems, we propose a cross-modality graph reasoning adaptation (CIGAR) method to take advantage of both visual and linguistic knowledge. Specifically, our method performs cross-modality graph reasoning between the linguistic modality graph and visual modality graphs to enhance their representations. We also propose a discriminative feature selector to find the most discriminative features and take them as the nodes of the visual graph for both efficiency and effectiveness. In addition, we employ the linguistic graph matching loss to regulate the update of linguistic graphs and maintain their semantic representation during the training process. Comprehensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our proposed CIGAR.


报告15. Parametric Implicit Face Representation for Audio-Driven Facial Reenactment


摘要:Audio-driven facial reenactment is a crucial technique that has a range of applications in film-making, virtual avatars and video conferences. Existing works either employ explicit intermediate face representations (e.g., 2D facial landmarks or 3D face models) or implicit ones (e.g., Neural Radiance Fields), thus suffering from the trade-offs between interpretability and expressive power, hence between controllability and quality of the results. In this work, we break these trade-offs with our novel parametric implicit face representation and propose a novel audio-driven facial reenactment framework that is both controllable and can generate high-quality talking heads. Specifically, our parametric implicit representation parameterizes the implicit representation with interpretable parameters of 3D face models, thereby taking the best of both explicit and implicit methods. In addition, we propose several new techniques to improve the three components of our framework, including i) incorporating contextual information into the

audio-to-expression parameters encoding; ii) using conditional image synthesis to parameterize the implicit representation and implementing it with an innovative tri-plane structure for efficient learning; iii) formulating facial reenactment as a conditional image inpainting problem and proposing a novel data augmentation technique to improve model generalizability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method can generate more realistic results than previous methods with greater fidelity to the identities and talking styles of speakers.


报告16. Hard Sample Matters a Lot in Zero-shot Quantization


摘要:Zero-shot quantization (ZSQ) is promising for compressing and accelerating deep neural networks when the data for training full-precision models are inaccessible. In ZSQ, network quantization is performed using synthetic samples, thus, the performance of quantized models depends heavily on the quality of synthetic samples. Nonetheless, we find that the synthetic samples constructed in existing ZSQ methods can be easily fitted by models. Accordingly, quantized models obtained by these methods suffer from significant performance degradation on hard samples. To address this issue, we propose HArd sample Synthesizing and Training (HAST). Specifically, HAST pays more attention to hard samples when synthesizing samples and makes synthetic samples hard to fit when training quantized models. HAST aligns features extracted by full-precision and quantized models to ensure the similarity between features extracted by these two models. Extensive experiments show that HAST significantly outperforms existing ZSQ methods, achieving performance comparable to models that are quantized with real data.


报告17. EDA: Explicit Text-Decoupling and Dense Alignment for 3D Visual Grounding


摘要:3D visual grounding aims to find the object within point clouds mentioned by free-form natural language descriptions with rich semantic cues. However, existing methods either extract the sentence-level features coupling all words or focus more on object names, which would lose the word-level information or neglect other attributes. To alleviate these issues, we present EDA that Explicitly Decouples the textual attributes in a sentence and conducts Dense Alignment between such fine-grained language and point cloud objects. Specifically, we first propose a text decoupling module to produce textual features for every semantic component. Then, we design two losses to supervise the dense matching between two modalities: position alignment loss and semantic alignment loss. On top of that, we further introduce a new visual grounding task, locating objects without object names, which can thoroughly evaluate the model's dense alignment capacity. Through experiments, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on two widely-adopted 3D visual grounding datasets, ScanRefer and SR3D/NR3D, and obtain absolute leadership on our newly-proposed task.


报告18. 3D GAN Inversion with Facial Symmetry Prior


摘要:Recently, a surge of high-quality 3D-aware GANs have been proposed, which leverage the generative power of neural rendering. It is natural to associate 3D GANs with GAN inversion methods to project a real image into the generator's latent space, allowing free-view consistent synthesis and editing, referred as 3D GAN inversion. Although with the facial prior preserved in pre-trained 3D GANs, reconstructing a 3D portrait with only one monocular image is still an ill-pose problem. The straightforward application of 2D GAN inversion methods focuses on texture similarity only while ignoring the correctness of 3D geometry shapes. It may raise geometry collapse effects, especially when reconstructing a side face under an extreme pose. Besides, the synthetic results in novel views are prone to be blurry. In this work, we propose a novel method to promote 3D GAN inversion by introducing facial symmetry prior. We design a pipeline and constraints to make full use of the pseudo auxiliary view obtained via image flipping, which helps obtain a robust and reasonable geometry shape during the inversion process. To enhance texture fidelity in unobserved viewpoints, pseudo labels from depth-guided 3D warping can provide extra supervision. We design constraints aimed at filtering out conflict areas for optimization in asymmetric situations. Comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations on image reconstruction and editing demonstrate the superiority of our method.


报告19. BUFFER: Balancing Accuracy, Efficiency, and Generalizability in Point Cloud Registration


摘要:An ideal point cloud registration framework should have superior accuracy, acceptable efficiency, and strong generalizability. However, this is highly challenging since existing registration techniques are either not accurate enough, far from efficient, or generalized poorly. It remains an open question that how to achieve a satisfying balance between this three key elements. In this paper, we propose BUFFER, a point cloud registration method for balancing accuracy, efficiency, and generalizability. The key to our approach is to take advantage of both point-wise and patch-wise techniques, while overcoming the inherent drawbacks simultaneously. Different from a simple combination of existing methods, each component of our network has been carefully crafted to tackle specific issues. Specifically, a Point-wise Learner is first introduced to enhance computational efficiency by predicting keypoints and improving the representation capacity of features by estimating point orientations, a Patch-wise Embedder which leverages a lightweight local feature learner is then deployed to extract efficient and general patch features. Additionally, an Inliers Generator which combines simple neural layers and general features is presented to search inlier correspondences. Extensive experiments on real-world scenarios demonstrate that our method achieves the best of both worlds in accuracy, efficiency, and generalization. In particular, our method not only reaches the highest success rate on unseen domains, but also is almost 30 times faster than the strong baselines specializing in generalization. Code is available at https://github.com/aosheng1996/BUFFER.


报告20. MOT: Masked Optimal Transport for Partial Domain Adaptation


摘要:As an important methodology to measure distribution discrepancy, optimal transport (OT) has been successfully applied to learn generalizable visual models under changing environments. However, there are still limitations, including strict prior assumption and implicit alignment, for current OT modeling in challenging real-world scenarios like partial domain adaptation, where the learned transport plan may be biased and negative transfer is inevitable. Thus, it is necessary to explore a more feasible OT methodology for real-world applications. In this work, we focus on the rigorous OT modeling for conditional distribution matching and label shift correction. A novel masked OT (MOT) methodology on conditional distributions is proposed by defining a mask operation with label information. Further, a relaxed and reweighting formulation is proposed to improve the robustness of OT in extreme scenarios. We prove the theoretical equivalence between conditional OT and MOT, which implies the well-defined MOT serves as a computation-friendly proxy. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of theoretical results and proposed model.


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   张  鑫,华南理工大学电子与信息学院






 张老师,Email: eexinzhang@scut.edu.cn 

   谢老师Email: xiexiaoh6@mail.sysu.edu.cn 
